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They speak one language…Language of LOVE…

Well…This post is all bout my experience in the old age where I’v spent time few days ago…

I can never forget my past as it included countless things like immature philosophy, hopeless ideas and idiotic tactics. Yeah! There you are…
I am talking again about my school days. Actually, I was celebrating my last birthday @ my residence… N was recalling all those days when I partied with my friends at their homes…Yaa…Literally…My birthday celebration at frn’s home. That too on the road side. The strong n cruel glimpse of my frn’s mother made everyone understand that tonight…Our frn is gonna be finished…..
This birthday anyhow was so much full of fun but taught me many things.
Teenage, adolescents and blah…blah…….I now think that teenage is the time when we have nothing to do except wasting time, money, values and everything for just name sake. I'v learnt…that partying doesn’t only mean roaming out and wasting your pocket money @ restaurants n hotels like anything.

I did something unique this year [for the first time in my whole life…till now].
Spared my time for those people who need young ones to be with them. I went to an old age home near my place. Felt like none can see the world better than those people who live in an old age home. They are the people who have nothing to say as their own but live life as happy as we do. In reality, they get a calm surrounding and such people around who actually care for them and live for them.
Met two to three dadaas and many dadis. All were left alone by their own kids. I even can’t think around how those people dare to dump their parents alone anywhere when they need love and support. Are they really human beings? Don’t they think, the same could happen with them when they’ll grow old?

Well…I was there for few hours and shared many things with dem. I cudn’t stop my tears when one of them cried in front of me while yelling at her son who left her alone in the small hut. Hopeless people. They should be buried alive…they are not worth living on this earth. Again I got to know a thing from this visit that, these people speak the LANGUAGE OF LOVE…Still don’t get that. So, give a thought and go, visit any of the old age homes near by and spare some time for those people too rather than wasting time roaming out side doing nothing…


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